Enhanced copper-based cast products

It’s a huge advantage for an engineering company to also be producing its own metal.

The enhanced control as well as streamlined and highly accurate documentation packs give clients real peace of mind. The secret to making good metal is absolute attention to detail and control over many, often opposing, variables has enabled Copper Alloys to successfully extend its range of products and processes so that it can become a single source for complex ranges of materials, components and equipment.

Click here for more details on Complex Project Management.

Speciality Metal Alloys

Copper Alloys was founded within a sandcasting organisation, and has continued to produce some of the most complex cast copper-based alloys available.

As a source of in-feed material to the forging process it also ensures production of cost-effective forgings with optimal properties and enhanced quality control.

Copper Alloys can trace its roots to the first people ever to cast nickel-aluminium bronze over a century ago, and as engineers move away from castings to forgings, Copper Alloys is now casting a range of alloys including:

  • Nickel-Aluminium Bronze
  • Leaded Bronze
  • Lead-free Bearing Bronze
  • Customer-specific alloys
  • Machined cast components
  • Shapes produced to print
  • Long products in a range of sections
  • Up to 800mm dia solids and large slabs readily available

The team of leading metallurgists that work at Copper Alloys are regularly working on new alloys and material development that are tailored to customer’s specific performance and application requirements.

Enhanced Properties

Copper Alloys has developed a range of proprietary process technology that enables surprisingly high cast material to be produced.

It is well known that cast material can present a number of problems for engineers and supply chains, especially when compared with forgings, which take a casting and work the metal in such a way that it physically proves the integrity of the metal, for example…

Homogenous Grain Structure

  • Grain refining techniques
  • Heat treatment processes
  • Cooling and chemistry control

One or a combination of the above makes the cast material produced at Copper Alloys perform better than other sources.

Aerospace approved manufacturing

to ISO 9001:2000 upgraded to AS9100 Rev. D guarantees the highest level of control and traceability, each individual piece of cast product is stamped with its unique identification code which is also referenced on the material certification.

Sawing Specialists

Copper Alloys are also specialists in sawing, with a large cutting capacity and the ability to saw circles up to 800mm diameter and rectangles up to 800mm x 800mm.

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)

The Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) experts at Copper Alloys are specialists in crack and defect detection to help ensure material is high quality before it feeds into the machining process. Read more about Failure Analysis here


Enquiry Form

Please fill in the form below and we will call you to discuss your needs.


    +44 (0) 1782 816888


    Auckland Street, Stoke-on-Trent, ST6 2AZ, United Kingdom