Next generation marine alloy – corrosion analysis

The use of aluminium bronze in the building of sub sea platforms has been well documented over a long history of refits....


The British Corrosion Research Project – Part 4

Now 8 months in, our exciting corrosion research project is starting to illustrate very clearly just how well copper alloys withstand marine environment conditi...


The British Corrosion Research Project – Part 3

After seven months submersed in seawater, we are starting to see the advantages of copper alloys over other metals used in marine environments...

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Technical Papers

Next generation marine alloy – corrosion analysis

The use of aluminium bronze in the building of sub sea platforms has been well documented over a long history of refits....


The British Corrosion Research Project – Part 4

Now 8 months in, our exciting corrosion research project is starting to illustrate very clearly just how well copper alloys withstand marine environment conditi...


The British Corrosion Research Project – Part 3

After seven months submersed in seawater, we are starting to see the advantages of copper alloys over other metals used in marine environments...


The British Corrosion Research Project – Part 2

Six months ago, after months of scouring the Earth to collect all of the materials that can be used in marine environments, three test racks were installed in t...


The British Corrosion Research Project – Part 1

The rack contains a range of copper alloys, stainless steels, Monels, super duplex stainless , nickel alloys and titanium as well as stainless steel with specia...


Critical Manifold Block Forging

A marine defence equipment producer approached us with a unique problem; their customer had specified a component in a material that had never before been produ...


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