There are many factors which can cause a metal component to fail. It is important for metal manufacturers to understand where their product is used and what obstacles it needs to overcome.

We have been creating custom materials since the 1940s. This experience makes us go-to experts for creating the perfect alloy for all environments. Our portfolio of alloys covers 250 made-to-measure materials and stems 170 different formats including bars, rings, tubes, and sections. 

We have developed bespoke production techniques which meet demanding technical requirements in industries from marine defence to aerospace. Our in-depth metal and alloy failure analysis processes mean that our materials have the maximum integrity and performance. 

Why do metals fail?

Typically, material engineering failure analysis refers to the root cause investigation of failure of a product or component. We focus on pre-emptive material failure analysis in a technical procedure which has been refined over decades of changing demands.  

We put our alloys through vigorous tests to make sure that they can withstand their end environments. 

Some of the most common reasons behind pure metal failure or impure alloy failure include:

  • High temperatures
  • Low temperatures
  • Excessive stress
  • Contamination
  • Fracture
  • Corrosion
  • Erosion

The varying failure causation factors mean that there needs to be an extensive range of metallurgical failure analysis strategies.

Why choose Copper Alloys for metal failure analysis  

Our material failure analysis capabilities mean that reliability and integrity of our manufactured alloys are always of world-leading quality.   

Each time we create a product it undergoes strenuous inspections. This makes sure that it matches the material specifications, relevant component drawings and other technical aspects laid out by the team.

We are certified by the British Standards Institution Quality Register to ISO 9001: 2015 AS9100. This means we are recognised for producing complex, leading materials and components that promise to stand the test of time. This means that the risk of metal and alloy failure is minimised. Our quality approach enables us to create and supply alloys which provide the best value throughout their lifetime.

Critical and swift analysis of failed components is key for many of the organisations that Copper Alloys work with. It’s imperative to keep essential infrastructure powered with suitable materials. Having materials correctly manufactured ultimately saves time and money while reducing operation downtime.

Destructive and non-destructive examination of failed components allows our team of experts to determine direct and indirect evidence of failure. Off the back of that, you are in the driving seat to suggest actions to prevent recurrence.

Destructive testing is the process of destroying a material to determine its point of failure, in this case an alloy. This is a particularly helpful strategy in alloys which are used where the risks of stress or corrosion is high.

Non-destructive testing is a technique which tests a material for weaknesses. This could be done using visual, radiography, magnetic or ultrasonic methods. Non-destructive testing is helpful in almost all industries in the world.

Our team of highly skilled metallurgists and engineers are experts in creating custom alloys from metals before creating associated parts. All the work goes toward creating turnkey solutions for any industry problem.

To discuss your application with our metallurgical specialists, please call 01782 816888. Alternatively, use our unique online Alloy Selector to search specific properties, including elongation, seawater corrosion rating, density, and thermal conductivity.



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    +44 (0) 1782 816888

    Auckland Street, Stoke-on-Trent, ST6 2AZ, United Kingdom